Principal Investigator

Sean Reese

Sean is a 2023 graduate of UC San Diego’s Master of Public Policy program and a Ph.D. student in Sustainable Development at Columbia University. He is broadly interested in natural resource policy but focuses on topics at the intersection of economics, ecology, and earth science. He is particularly interested in global efforts to preserve biodiversity and how the provision of ecosystem services will change in a future defined by climate change. 


Dick Norris

Dick is the Distinguished Professor of Paleobiology at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University of California, San Diego where he works on micropaleontology of the open oceans, warm climate dynamics, and human impacts on marine ecosystems. He is the Curator of the SIO Geological Collections and has worked to set up the Center for Marine Biodiversity and Conservation (CMBC) and the Scripps Center for Marine Archaeology (SCMA), to link human affairs to Earth’s environmental history.

Dale Squires

Dale is an adjunct professor of economics at the School of Global Policy and Strategy and a staff member of the Fisheries Resources Division at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration — commonly referred to as NOAA Fisheries. His research focuses on environmental and resource economics and specializes in resource economics, fisheries in particular.

Mark Jacobsen

Mark is a professor of economics at the University of California, San Diego, and a research associate at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He received his Ph.D. in economics from Stanford University. His research focuses on environmental regulation and taxes and addresses two main themes: the first is the environmental regulation of transportation and the automobile industry. The second considers optimal environmental policy in the context of the broader economy.


Beverly Scharnhorst

Beverly is a Graduate Student in Marine Biodiversity and Conservation at the Scripps Institution of Oceanography where she studies the connections between environmental policy, economics, and marine science. She is an intern at NOAA Fisheries, researching species habitat interactions to inform ecosystem management, and is working with the team to utilize economic valuation and communication tools to advocate for restoration policy.