
in annual benefits

Benefits at a Glance

To quantify the benefits, we utilize the ecosystem service framework. Ecosystem services are the benefits provided by the natural environment to humans. There are countless ecosystem services provided by a restored marsh, but we consider six on the right. These are not necessarily the most valuable services provided by the marsh, but they are the easier ones to assign dollar values to. More detailed explanations for each service can be accessed in the next section. If you are interested in learning about ecosystem services more generally, click here.

  • The process of removing greenhouse gases from the atmosphere.

    Annual Value:

  • Providing additional habitat for juvenile commercial fish to mature.

    Annual Commercially Landed Value:

    Annual Fish Production Worth:

  • Removing excess nutrients from the water to prevent bacterial outbreaks

    Annual Value:

  • Absorbing water like a sponge to prevent flooding

    Annual Value:
    Not able to be calculated

  • Increasing the value of real estate adjacent to the marsh

    Annual Value:

    One-time Value:

  • Increasing the number of tourists that visit San Diego in addition to how much they spend

    Annual Value:

  • Other benefits that are difficult to monetize such as the preservation of endangered species, public access, and cultural significance

    Annual Value:
    Not Calculated

Click the images below to learn more details about each service!